Namespaces for Everyone
Unleash developer productivity without the hassle for maintaining infrastructure.
No clusters, no pain
Focus on what matters: your developers. Provide them the best tools with zero-touch infrastructure.
1. Onboard
Deploy tenants in multiple clouds and regions with few clicks or a single API call.
2. Deploy
Your developers are immediately productive, being able to deploy, monitor and expose their microservices applications easily and reliably.
3. Scale
Scale as you grow, with a no-nonsense pricing based on consumption, and providing all your developers with the same platform.
ksctl create tenant --name dev
ksctl get kubeconfing --tenant dev -f dev-kubeconfig.yaml
export KUBECONFIG=./dev-kubeconfig.yaml
kubectl get ns
default Active 42h
kube-node-lease Active 42h
kube-public Active 42h
kube-system Active 42h
kubectl create ns development
kubectl run -n default nginx --image=nginx --port=80;
kubectl expose po/nginx
kubectl get po
nginx 1/1 Running 0 36h
ksctl get kubeconfing --tenant dev -f dev-kubeconfig.yaml
export KUBECONFIG=./dev-kubeconfig.yaml
kubectl get ns
default Active 42h
kube-node-lease Active 42h
kube-public Active 42h
kube-system Active 42h
kubectl create ns development
kubectl run -n default nginx --image=nginx --port=80;
kubectl expose po/nginx
kubectl get po
nginx 1/1 Running 0 36h

Lighting fast workflow
Say hello to your applications
Your tenants, your namespaces, your applications, immediately available over multiple environments, with automated global routing and TLS.
- Simple deployments
- Unified Kubernetes API
- Automatic URL
- Integrated monitoring
- Freedom to install what you need
- Always up to date

"We spent years building broken platform, with Kubespaces we are there already and better, safer and with less developer friction."
— Anastasia Dan - UX Board
Your apps, Our Infrastructure
Kubespaces is democratizing access to secure, scalable, highly-available cloud compute by transforming complex cloud industry mechanisms into plug-and-play solutions. .
Cloud Native
Kubespaces was born in the cloud native communities, leverage many CNCF projects and is built upon solid open source foundations.
Free From Toil
Our turn-key solution removes infrastructure hassles, allowing developers to focus on crafting code. Start coding, not configuring.
User-friendly experience for incorporating cloud services. By adopting the popular Kubernetes APIs, it's easy to get started with Kubespaces.
Kubespaces is a clusterless solution that allows you to deploy your applications without the need to manage Kubernetes clusters.
Kubespaces is a developer-friendly platform that allows you to deploy your applications without the need to manage Kubernetes clusters.
How it works

Cloud native apps
. For developers
Deploy with confidence over multiple clouds and locations, using the tried-and-true Kubernetes platform APIs.
. For platform engineers
Build upon our services your next platform; integrate with CI/CD, monitoring and security tools of your choice..
. For teams
Collaborate with your entire team, share namespaces and environments with your organization.
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