Platform Engineering Trends in 2024

An overview on what Platform Engineering is and where it is going.

Platform Engineering Trends in 2024

If we have to identify two trends that indelibly marked the year 2023 we must recognize the influence of GenerativeAI (spearheaded by OpenAI and quickly followed by a plethora of open source alternatives) and the advent and maturity of Platform Engineering. We will delve into the former at some point in this blog, but we want to focus on the latter in this post.

Platform engineering has become a popular topic in the past few years as more companies are shifting towards building their platforms to support their applications. Platform engineering has become essential to software development as the demand for more complex and scalable applications increases. As the mantra for startups and enterprises shifted from growth to efficiency, it became paramount to equip the developer workforce with all the tools needed to perform and excel at their jobs, and a self-service, secure, coherent and comprehensive internal developer platform is now the standard in the industry.

As cloud and cloud-native became the name of the game in software development, pushed forward by an increasing need for speed and features (and stabilized by years of developing DevOps practices), and as the demand for more complex and scalable applications increases, platform engineering has become an essential part of software development.

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Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

To be continued...